The morning of January 26, 2022 I had a dream that felt very vivid and important. I documented the details of that dream on a voice recorder. I’m going to type it here so as to include all of the details. The dream’s meaning wasn’t apparent to me at that time, so I set it aside and mostly forgot about it over the last year. Then about 5 months ago, I was thinking about how I haven’t had many dreams lately from the Lord. I was wondering if it was because God was waiting on me to revisit the dreams He had already given me and pray into their meaning. The dream I’m writing below started to resurface to my memory over a period of about 2 weeks. I’d find myself thinking about portions of it and seeing the scenes in my mind again. I was seeking the Lord for the meaning of the dream and wondering why I was remembering it now after a year and a few months have passed.

I now understand that the Lord is highlighting this dream right now because of the prophetic timing of where the remnant is currently. Holy Spirit has guided me to this understanding through the preaching of several pastors and this revelation is literally leaping out of this dream now. A dream that I had virtually no understanding of several months ago is now being illuminated at the perfect time.  Why this dream right now, when there are about 4 to 5 others that are awaiting interpretation?  It’s because this is the theme that the Lord is trying to get us to grasp. The remnant is coming out of the wilderness in the power of the Spirit of God, and this Holy Spirit revival will turn the world upside down. Those of the remnant who receive this activation and act on it, will have great victory and overcome the world’s temptations. Coming out of the wilderness is the breaker anointing. However, many Christians are unable to walk out of the wilderness of the last 3 years. This does not mean they won’t receive salvation, but they will not leave the wilderness because they’ve been trapped by Satan’s temptations. They can’t or are unwilling to walk into freedom and victory.

I want to give credit to the pastors who have brought this revelation through their preaching. I’m merely putting this all together to explain the meaning of the dream.  On Sunday, May 21st, 2023, our Pastor Tom Snyder preached a sermon called “The Church is Not For Sale.” It was an anointed message about how the church in America is selling out to the world and allowing the spirit of Jezebel to influence the word of the Lord that is being preached from the pulpits. He went into details on Naboth’s vineyard and how Jezebel was trying to steal Naboth’s property.  Pastor Tom spoke specifically on how the children are at risk right now because the church is silent regarding the sexual agendas being pushed on our children. In fact many churches are bowing down to this agenda and jumping right on board, instead of preaching what the Bible states about sin and repentance in these areas. Churches all throughout America and the western world are aligning themselves with Jezebel and her agenda, instead of standing for God. As I was getting home from church, I realized that at the end of my dream a woman was offering me a whole group of children and teens in exchange for a certified check. It hit me that this may be a key to understanding the meaning of my dream. I sent the voice recording to Pastor Tom and awaited his interpretation.

Here is the dream:

“I was on a vacation in the woods with a random group of people and we were staying in multiple cabins in the woods that were connected. I felt like I was in another state due to the super strict lockdowns about masks and not being able to travel. It surprised us, all of the things we were not allowed to do.  I feel like we weren’t supposed to leave our room. We weren’t supposed to go outside…and…we were all kind of upset about that and one boy in particular was upset that he couldn’t go out and drive his car. So we were sitting in these cabins and Don and I decided to take a drive.  We drove out to the countryside, and there were people stopping cars. We were afraid we were going to get stopped. There were people trail riding in the snow. We were saying that we were glad they weren’t trail riding on our property, they were trail riding out here. Everything was just kind of quiet, because people weren’t going out and about. And I don’t remember if it was just me and Don or if there was other people with us. So we get to this far away location. We decided to keep driving on this remote road, and the road turned into very snow covered and you could tell that nobody went that way. Like, it was a road nobody ever drove.  So we keep driving and we came across this old farm.  The farm almost looked like a chicken farm or turkey farm. There were birds everywhere….fences…and chicken houses…and outbuildings…and shops. It was a very large area but there wasn’t anything nice about it. A lot of the buildings were delapidated or old paint…it didn’t look new. So we started to see what it was. We drove around and there were all these bridges, like wood paneling, like you’d see at a state park. There were ponds…and we walked into a building and there were people sitting around the table…mostly children and girls…having dinner. And there was a huge dinner…all this food!  We went into the next room and noticed there were different activities in every room. And there were no parents. It was all up to 15 or 16 year old girls. I don’t remember boys but there may have been boys there. I remember the faces of the girls. And we realized that it was kind of strange that there were no parents there, and every room seemed like nostalgic and old and things…like the clothes they were wearing were old. It felt very traditional, religious, and we were thinking these people are part of some sort of religious cult or religious organization where they don’t move into the future. Everything is kept in the past. And there was a point where we realized where that was going on, and things started to get a little strange. We were like well who is behind this? Where are the people pulling the strings? Who is cooking all of this food? It felt really institutional, like if we look at the outbuildings is there a big kitchen where everyone is cooking all the food.  Is there a main office where people are watching us and know that we are here. It was strange…as soon as we felt like we knew something was going on…someone in my group said “We have to go!” “We only have 2 ½ minutes, because as soon as we realize that this isn’t real, the bridge is going to start disappearing.” So we start running for the exit…where we parked our car. Because we had discovered something and we had only 2.5 minutes to get to the bridge.  We’re running as fast as we can and you start to feel this bridge fall out from underneath your feet.  And you’re worried about the kids and thinking “What is happening?” Just an eerie feeling about it. And we get back to the main house…the main building we were in first…where the people were having dinner.  And the people were talking with us and told us where to go to find who they considered their mother and father, the people who were in charge. I told Don I thought it was strange because I feel like I know everybody at our church.” So we go out into the outside area and look for someone to talk to and find out how to help these children get out of this…because we felt like something is wrong. So Don and I walk into the house and we’re worried. We think someone is going to get angry and there will be a scene.  People are going to yell at us for being here. So a woman came out and we confronted her, “What is happening here this is such a strange place? What are you all doing?” and she said, “Well, you can take the kids with you but I’m going to need a certified check from you.” And it felt like she was selling us all these children. I was thinking she’d work harder to not let the kids go. That was such a strange feeling. I turned to Don and said, “I don’t have a certified check. We’re out here in the middle of nowhere.” And that is all I remember.                             

So while discussing with Pastor Tom what the dream meant, we believe that the initial portion of the dream is portraying the spirit of Pharisee while the end of the dream addresses the spirit of Jezebel. I find this interesting how the two spirits are on opposite ends of my dream, just like they are in the spirit realm. These two spirits don’t normally work together as they are on opposite ends of the spectrum. On the far left the ruling political spirit of Jezebel, which is portrayed in idolatry and sexual perversion. Jezebel is a worshipper of Baal and represents sexual immorality in society and also in the church. You can easily see this is very prevalent right now. On the far right the ruling spirit of Pharisee which is shown by Pharisees and Sadducees in the Bible who practiced religious law and traditions of man. They loved to be seen as righteous and holy, but they were really hypocrites. While these are two demonic spirits on opposite ends of the spectrum, they unite in their opposition to the Holy Spirit and will work together to oppose Holy Spirit.  

To Be Continued in Part 2.